Clergy Resources

Click on the links to access these resources:img_1564-copy-test2

Member in Discernment procedure manual

Members in Discernment – Unified Freitag Fund – Wisconsin Conference Scholarship Application

Manual on Licensed Ministry

Continuing Education Grant for Authorized Ministers

UCC Ministerial Code

Search and Call resources

Financial and Insurance

Retirement Resources for Ministers

Church Ministry and Management

Marks of Faithful and Effective Authorized Ministers

A Sure Foundation: resources for the relationship between pastors and congregations

Call Agreement Workbook

A form for authorized ministers wishing to request that an alternative program be accepted as meeting the ministerial standing requirement for boundary training and/or anti-racism training.

Request form in MS Word
Request form as a PDF

Boundary Training

Boundary Training for authorized ministers and Members In Discernment in the Wisconsin Conference will be done online with LeaderWise. You can find more information on LeaderWise on their website. LeaderWise offers a two-day (3 hours each day) training session.  You must attend both days to receive boundary training credit.

Please contact Andrea Vik for registration information.

Boundary training for retirees will be offered in-person at the Wisconsin Conference’s Annual Meeting.  Information will be mailed out with other annual meeting notices.

Authorized ministers and Members In Discernment who are wondering if they due for boundary training can check with Andrea Vik at the Conference office; everyone due for training will also be notified through the annual information review form sent out to all authorized ministers each fall.

Updated companion resources such as a Marks Assessment Rubrics and new Journaling the Journey are currently available through UCC Resources (

All members of the United Church of Christ are encouraged to read, reflect and engage with these resources as we together commit to seeking faithful responses to God’s call for excellence in ministerial formation, authorization and oversight.

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