The Alliance for Justice

The Alliance for Justice, Inc., is a Wisconsin nonprofit organization formed to further the commitment of congregations, conferences, and the general synod of the United Church of Christ (UCC) to repudiate the “Doctrine of Discovery.”

Read more about the Alliance for Justice at this link.

The Alliance for Justice, Inc., is grateful to the leadership of the Wisconsin Conference of the UCC in calling on all congregations to work for racial justice.

Wisconsin is home to one of the largest populations of native people in the United States.

As Wisconsin congregations respond to the call of conference leadership to work for racial justice, we ask that you include in your work attention to the justice on behalf of the native people of this place.

We recommend three ways to do this:

In the weeks ahead, the Alliance for Justice, Inc., will reach out to all UCC Wisconsin Conference congregations to learn more about how you are undertaking this work, and to determine how we can best assist you.

Background Materials on Repudiating the Doctrine of Discovery:

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(608) 846-7880