Resource Center

Wisconsin Conference UCC Resource Center

We hope this Resource Center will become a go-to site for congregations and pastors as you engage in your ministry.  We’ve added many new resources to this sitGroup collaborating on project-librarye and are working on expanding this Resource Center to provide helpful resources in many areas of ministry. Check the links to the right to see current resources, and check back soon for more!

Do you have resources to share with others?

Have you found inspiration and help in books, videos, podcasts, or from hearing about the experiences of other congregations? Are you willing to share a success or learning from your congregation with others? Your experience, recommendation or story might be just the thing another congregation needs as we seek to learn from one another in the Wisconsin Conference. Share your wisdom or expertise and recommended helpful resources for our online Resource Center by sending an email to the Conference resource center.

Share your stories

Stories open us up to the lives and experiences of others. They reveal opportunities, possibilities and limitless worlds beyond what we already know. Stories help us understand and learn from one another and they often stretch us and challenge us to grow or expand our worlds.

We want to lift up as many stories as possible so that we can see more clearly what God is doing in the Wisconsin Conference to transform lives and change our world.

As we share our stories with one another we know that resources and ideas will emerge from unexpected places. We are confident that hope and enthusiasm for what God is doing in our midst will grow. We believe that our sense of what is possible will expand and we will surprise ourselves with our own strength, vitality and courage in facing the challenges and embracing the opportunities of this time and place.

So don’t wait another moment. Don’t second guess the inspiration you feel right now. Reach out, share your story. We can’t wait to see what God is up to in Wisconsin!

To share your congregation’s stories with others, contact us here.


Help us build the Resource Center!

Are you looking for something you can’t find?
Do you have ideas, resources, stories to share?

Contact us with questions or information:

Email us here

Sign up for our newsletter!


Contact Us

(608) 846-7880