Gifts in Wills: As Easy as 1, 2, 3

Thank you for considering a bequest to the Wisconsin Conference United Church of Christ. Gifts can be made to all settings of the United Church of Christ, including local churches, the conference, United Church Camps Inc., and the National Setting. Your gift will sustain the work of the UCC for a more just world. Such generosity will leave a lasting impact on our Christian movement and touch the lives of your neighbors, near and far. 

The Wisconsin Conference founded the Wisconsin Foundation UCC in order to facilitate planned gifts to our conference, closely related agencies such as the camps, and local congregations.  You can also use the foundation to make a gift to the wider United Church of Christ, including the national setting. 

Follow these three steps to make bequests to the Wisconsin Conference United Church of Christ, United Church Camps Inc., or your local congregation through the Wisconsin Foundation United Church of Christ, Inc. 

The majority of estate gifts come as bequests because these gifts can be easily created as part of a will. You can also make a charitable bequest by designating the Wisconsin Foundation United Church of Christ as the “payment on death” (POD) of a bank or stock account. 

When writing your will, decide if you want to make a bequest as either a percentage of your estate, a specific dollar amount, or contingent on the primary beneficiaries.  

The standard wording for percentage bequest is: 

 “I give and bequeath ________ percent (________%) of my estate to the Wisconsin Foundation United Church of Christ (EIN: 84-2128752), having an office at W1000 Spring Grove Road, Ripon, WI, 54971.” 

 The standard wording for a specific dollar amount bequest is: 

 “I give and bequeath to the Wisconsin Foundation United Church of Christ (EIN: 84-2128752), having an office at W1000 Spring Grove Road, Ripon, WI, 54971, the sum of ______ ($______).” 

 The standard wording for a contingent bequest is: 

 “If any or all of the above named beneficiaries do not survive me, then I hereby give the share that otherwise would be theirs to the Wisconsin Foundation United Church of Christ (EIN: 84-2128752), having an office at W1000 Spring Grove Road, Ripon, WI, 54971.” 

Next, include instruction on the purpose of your gift.  This allows you to direct your gift to a local congregation, the Wisconsin Conference, the camps, or another setting of the United Church of Christ.  Your gift can support one or more charitable institutions or purposes. 

 The standard wording to support one organization or purpose is: 

 “This gift supports the Wisconsin Conference Ministry Fund.” 

 The standard wording to support multiple organizations or purposed is: 

 “____ percent (__%) of this gift supports the Wisconsin Conference Ministry Fund.  The remaining ____ percent (___%) of this gift supports the David Moyer Endowment for Outdoor Ministry Fund.” 

Rev. Andrew Warner, Director of Development for the Wisconsin Conference, will gladly answer questions about making a bequest and explain how your gift will impact our Christian movement. We can also answer your questions about how to make restricted gift or gifts of real assets, like real estate, in keeping with the Gift Acceptance Policy of the United Church of Christ. 

Finally, share your story, both with the Wisconsin Foundation UCC and as appropriate within the wider UCC. We learn generosity from each other. Your story can inspire others to include a planned gift. The details can of course remain anonymous but other people would be encouraged to make a planned gift if they hear about the hopes and gratitude that lead you to make your gift.   

Once you decide how to make your bequest, consult with your legal and/or financial advisor to make your bequest intention clear.  

For more information please contact: 

Rev. Andrew Warner
Wisconsin Conference UCC
W1000 Spring Grove Road, Ripon, WI, 54971
(414) 758 6233
Email andrew

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