Wisconsin Conference Historical Publications

Narrative Directory of Congregations in the Wisconsin Conference of the United Church of Church. Each church in the conference has rcover-image-thumbnaileceived one copy of the book in July 2013.



That Alhistor1l May Be One: Historical Essays on the Wisconsin Conference of the United Church of Christ, edited by Barbara Dotts Paul, traces the history of the Wisconsin Conference from initial discussions in the 1940s and formation in 1962 through the first forty years under conference ministers Clarence McCall, Ralph Ley and Frederick Trost . Authors of the chapters include James D. Mohr, Richard L Christensen, Gerald W. Bertsch, Cynthia E. Bertsch and Justus F. Paul. This book is available for postage from the Conference office.


The Uhistor2nited Church of Christ: Ordained Ministers of Wisconsin by J.D. Peterson and Harvey Kandler is a listing of all UCC clergy who have been ordained in Wisconsin . They are listed according to the church where they were ordained and their year of ordination. This booklet is available from the Conference office. A copy has already been mailed to each UCC church in Wisconsin .


Reflections on the Roots and History of Camps, Conferences and Youth Work in the Wisconsin Conference United Chhistor3urch of Christ (In commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the United Church of Christ) compiled by Harvey Kandler . The managing directors and others who helped shape our two Wisconsin camps offer their reminiscences of the Wisconsin Conference’s camping and youth program during the past fifty years. You may order a copy for $5.00 by contacting the Conference Office.


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