Vibrant Faith partners with individuals to develop their leadership capacities, and with Christian faith communities to create a culture of spiritual vitality. Through coaching, they call forth new pathways and possibilities and develop road maps that harness energy and assets on the vital tasks that have the greatest capacity to effect transformational change. Vibrant Faith University is a suite of three certificate programs focused on getting leaders un-stuck, uplifted, and moving forward. They each feature creative learning environments & platforms, dynamic instructors and facilitators, and a group of peers to walk alongside you. Vibrant Faith website
UCC Faith Formation Facebook page
The Wisconsin Conference Faith Formation group is the gathering place for expertise around faith formation. There are individuals within the Conference who have ministries in retreat and workshop leadership, spiritual direction and faith formation consulting who look forward to consulting with churches on questions of faith formation in congregations. In addition, this group offers relevant events throughout the year. Contact Marsha Meyer
This informal gathering of faith formation leaders from across the United Church of Christ (and beyond) happens once a month, introducing you and your church to a variety of resources and ideas through some dynamic and wonderful presenters! Contact Lisa Hart for more info. Faith Formation Forum website
Daycholah Center, Cedar Valley and Moon Beach are ministry sites that provide sacred experiences of nature, community and faith associated with the United Church of Christ and the Wisconsin Conference of the UCC. They provide summer camp and year round retreat programming for people of all ages. Staff are also available to consult about a range of topics. UCCI website
A membership organization of and for lay and ordained, paid and volunteer pastors, educators, and youth workers, which has been providing advocacy and support for church education and educators in the United Church of Christ since 1971. Membership is through regional associations (Great Lakes Region, or GLAUCE, for Wisconsin). AUCE website
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