Catalyst Grants – Overview

“Behold, I am doing a new thing.” — Isaiah 43:19

Take a risk. Try something new, in partnership with your community.
Catalyst grants exist to fund innovative ministry. We also seek projects that further the Wisconsin Conference’s core justice initiatives of racial justice and immigration.

For questions, and before filling out a grant application, please contact the program coordinator Mary Kuenning Gross: via email or at (262) 271-8990.

Attributes that are ideal in a Catalyst application
Attributes that are less desirable in a Catalyst application

Looking to inspire new ideas in your congregation?  Use the Catalyst Day worship materials created by Rev. Beth Abbott.

Catalyst Contact: Mary Kuenning Gross

If the Catalyst grants don’t seem to fit your idea, check into other UCC grant programs.

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(608) 846-7880