ONA Team

The ONA Team is the ONA resource team for the Wisconsin Conference. Team members talk to people, answer questions, help church find resources or mentors, and whatever congregations need to help them on their ONA journey.

The ONA Team is available to provide resources, facilitate conversations, answer questions, assist in finding speakers, and work with churches to live out the ONA commitment.

Open and Affirming Conference Adopted June 2014 

As a denomination, the United Church of Christ has adopted an Open and Affirming position concerning our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters. Based on the inclusive ministry of Jesus Christ, gays and lesbians are welcome in our communities of faith as equal partners in discipleship and ministry.

In 1995, The Wisconsin Conference of the United Church of Christ formed a Gay/Lesbian Task Force for Ministry. It was felt that only by praying and educating ourselves around issues which touch our deepest souls can we understand one another and truly join hands in Christ’s name. The Task Force’s goal is to accompany churches seeking to dialogue around the gay and lesbian issue; studying scripture, searching hearts and minds, attempting to discern God’s will for their faith communities. Members of the Task Force prepared a comprehensive packet of materials for study and serve as resource persons to churches considering or in the midst of a dialogue.

To date, over 70 churches in the Wisconsin Conference have voted to become Open and Affirming, others are in the process of dialogue, and still others are not ready to undertake such a project.



See contact information and resources in the right sidebar (below on mobile).

ONA Committee Chairs:

Jan Doleschal
Micah Schlobohm

Staff contact:

Lisa Hart

  • One Coin Found by Emmy Kegler
  • In the Margins by Shannon Kearns
  • Living in Sin? A Bishop Rethinks Human Sexuality by John Shelby Spong

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Contact Us

(608) 846-7880