Each Wisconsin Conference UCC congregation received a copy of Because We’re All Forever Earthbound: Stories for Building a Better Planet along with a study guide. Join author Chuck Tennessen in a webinar to discuss the book and how it might be used in our congregations.
February 6, 2020
7:00pm – 8:30pm
Because We’re All Forever Earthbound – Stories for Building a Better Planet is a collection of selected essays and stories taken from Chuck Tennessen’s bi-weekly newspaper column – Earthbound. The book is attractively illustrated by school-aged artists from Wisconsin’s Driftless Area. Every congregation in the conference will be receiving a free copy of the book and study guide as we recognize the coming fiftieth anniversary of Earth Day, April 22, 2020. It is our hope that your congregation may find this resource useful as a catalyst toward greater understanding of and engagement in the critical environmental challenges of our day.
The severity and complexity of today’s environmental issues may seem overwhelming. Many find it difficult to discuss issues for fear of being seen as ill-informed or because some issues such as climate disruption can be politically charged. You may find Tennessen’s “folksy” tales laced with fanciful characters and humor an easy entry into these difficult topics. The easy-to-use Study Guide facilitates discussion with minimal further preparation necessary. Additional copies of the book can be purchased at the special discounted price of $5 ea. plus shipping.
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