Division on Church and Ministry

Per the Constitution and Bylaws of the United Church of Christ, Associations are responsible to authorize persons for ministry, grant standing in the UCC to congregations and care for pastors and churches. In the Wisconsin Northeast Association, these responsibilities are tended to by the Division on Church and Ministry as a whole and through its standing committees.

The Division as a whole:

  1. examines candidates for ordination and recommends whether or not they should be ordained;
  2. authorizes and recognizes persons as ministers;
  3. authorizes disciplinary action against ministers;
  4. recommends to the Association admission of a new local church.

Committees of the Division

Pastor and Church Ethics:

  1. advises and consults with Local Churches or Ministers regarding professional ethics issues;
  2. investigates claims of ethical misconduct by Ministers; and
  3. prepares and presents to the full Division on Church and Ministry recommended disciplinary actions against ministers.

Periodic Support and Consultation:

  1. maintains regular contact with Ministers to reflect on their personal, professional, and spiritual lives;
  2. plans and presents annual Clergy Day and Retired Clergy Day events;
  3. meets and consults with Ministers in stressful situations.

Placement and Transition:

  1. recommends the authorization and recognition of persons as Ministers;
  2. receives under its care students preparing to be Clergy by extending fellowship, counsel, and assistance;
  3. installs and recognizes persons as Ministers;
  4. grants leaves of absence to Ministers;
  5. transfers a Minister’s standing from this Association to another due to relocation; and
  6. terminates standing of Ministers (i) at their request;  (ii) upon moving from this Association; and (iii) after entering into service of another denomination.

Contact Us

(608) 846-7880