Palestine Justice Working Group

At the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Conference UCC, the Board of Directors brought forth a Resolution of Witness to adopt the 2021 General Synod Resolution, Declaration for a Just Peace Between Palestine and Israel.  This resolution was presented, and is supported, by the Wisconsin Conference Palestine Justice Working Group (PJWG).

The process for adopting a Resolution of Witness calls for a vote of the annual meeting when first brought forth, followed by a year of study and engagement by local congregations, and a confirming vote at the next year’s annual meeting.  The confirming vote takes place if at least 30% (63) of the congregations in the conference report they have engaged in some study of the issue.  This study can be in the manner chosen by the local church. Local congregations are asked to study and discuss the resolution and/or the situation it addresses. Congregations are not asked, or expected, to take a vote or a particular position.  Our hope is that by engaging with the issues, we might all have a deeper understanding of what this resolution is addressing.

May 1, 2025, is the deadline for reporting to the conference that your congregation has engaged in study, reflection or discussion of this issue.

Included below, are resources to support your congregation’s study and engagement around the 2021 resolution, as well as the current situation. We acknowledge the complexity of the situation and the issues.  Palestine Justice Working Group members are available to provide support, guidance and encouragement.  If you have questions about the resolution or would like to connect with someone on the Palestine Justice Working Group, please contact Lisa Hart, associate conference minister for faith formation and justice ministries.

Palestine-Israel Resources Available for Study and Engagement

Submit the report form link below no later than May 1, 2025, to indicate your congregation has spent time engaging and learning about the situation in Israel and Palestine, as well as a call for a Just Peace between Israel and Palestine.

Read the Declaration for a Just Peace Between Palestine and Israel Resolution here.

The UCC Palestine Israel Network (UCC PIN) has great resources, including webinars, to use for study.

Frequently asked questions document

List of recommended resources

Six-session study guide

Three-session study guide

Report form (Word file)

Report form (PDF)


Mission Statement

Adopted September 25, 2023

Palestine Justice Working Group of the Wisconsin Conference of the United Church of Christ

The Palestine Justice Working Group of the Wisconsin Conference serves Wisconsin UCC congregations by providing educational and advocacy resources and programs in support of justice for Palestinians.

We promote continued learning about realities in Palestine, and share insights regarding advocacy initiatives within and beyond the UCC. We bring together UCC churches within our state, so churches don’t have to work in isolation, and we can work together with a united front. We work with ecumenical, interfaith and justice organizations that join us in nonviolent efforts toward a just and genuine peace for Palestine and Israel.

We are called to action by UCC General Synod resolutions1, UCC mission co-workers2, recommendations from Global Ministries Mission Partners3, as well as the Kairos Palestine document4 and other calls from a Palestinian society which for decades has suffered under military occupation and legal structures enforcing ethnic/religious discrimination. We embrace the challenge named in our UCC Statement of Faith: to accept the cost and joy of Christian discipleship, resist the powers of evil, and place our trust in God to grant courage in the struggle for justice and peace.




3 (scroll down to Israel/Palestine)

4  There are two Kairos-Palestine documents. Both are meaningful for our mission:

  • Kairos Palestine 2009: A moment of truth, A word of faith, hope and love from the heart of Palestinian suffering, 

  • Kairos Palestine 2020: Cry for Hope: A call to decisive action

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(608) 846-7880