Webinar – Moving From Crisis to Hope: Responding to the Kairos Call to Climate Action
Featuring Brooks Berndt, UCC Environmental Justice Minister
June 11 at 7pm
The urgency of the climate crisis requires that we act as if our cathedrals and churches are on fire. Indeed, God’s creation can be seen as one grand cathedral on fire with burning forests and rising temperatures. Amid this dire situation, Brooks Berndt focuses our attention on the unique and vitally needed
gifts that churches can offer in his book
Cathedral on Fire!: A Church Handbook for the Climate Crisis.
In this webinar, Berndt will share about why he wrote the book and how the best of our theological traditions are especially relevant today in the face of multiple crises. Berndt will kick-off a conference-wide book-read that will help congregations get started on the Kairos Call to Action.
UN climate reports and the world’s leading climate scientists have stressed that we are now in a critical window of time for action to mitigate the climate crisis and steer our planet toward a sustainable future. In response to this crisis situation, at this year’s Annual Meeting members of the Wisconsin Conference will be asked to covenant as a Conference, as congregations, as households and as individuals to respond to a Kairos Call to Action by engaging in an all-out mobilization to address climate and inequality over the next ten years.
In the Bible, the Greek word used to speak of a time that is simultaneously one of crisis and God-given opportunity is kairos. From Martin Luther King, Jr. to the anti-apartheid movement, the word Kairos has captured what it means to be in a moment pregnant with possibility in answering God’s call.
To assist our churches in answering this call, the UCC Environmental Justice Minister Brooks Berndt is offering this webinar, based on Cathedral on Fire!. About the book, the Rev. Dr. Gerald Durley, a veteran of the civil rights movement and the current Board Chair for Interfaith Power and Light, says, “It shares what I feel is missing in the environmental movement, which is, ‘HOPE AT THE GUT LEVEL.'”
Don’t miss this valuable webinar to get you started on your Kairos action journey.
Register Now!
Brooks Berndt – Before becoming the UCC Minister for Environmental Justice in 2015, Berndt served for eight years as the pastor of First Congregational UCC in Vancouver, Washington. While there, he became active in two environmental campaigns that were ultimately successful: transitioning the state of Washington away from its only coal plant and preventing the establishment of the largest marine oil terminal in the country in Vancouver. During his time as pastor, Berndt coauthored Sounding the Trumpet: How Churches Can Answer God’s Call to Justice with the Rev. Dr. J. Alfred Smith, Sr. Scholar Cornel West described the book as “a masterpiece…full of deep spiritual truths.” As the Minister for Environmental Justice, Berndt writes and edits an environmental justice newsletter called The Pollinator, while co-hosting monthly Creation Justice Webinars which have featured everyone from the climate scientist Katherine Hayhoe to Senator Cory Booker. During Berndt’s time at the national setting, the UCC received a Climate Leadership Award from Eco-America for its advocacy work, while the World Council of Churches nominated the UCC’s Environmental Justice program for a UN Prize.
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