Israeli and Palestinian Parents Grieve, Work Together for Justice
A Parent Circle Family Forum presentation
On October 23, Madison will host 2 families from the Parent Circle Family Forum, a joint Palestinian Israeli organization of over 600 families. These families – one Palestinian Christian and one Jewish Israeli – who have lost a close family member as a result of the prolonged conflict between their two nations, have committed themselves to work together to build a future different than change the tragic reality in which they live. Joint activities have shown that the reconciliation between individuals and nations is possible and it is this insight that they are trying to pass on to both sides of the conflict.
George and Najwa Saadeh and Rami Elhanan will share their stories and their hopes for the future at two events in Madison. One will be geared for University Students and one for the general public. At 2:00 they will be speaking at First Unitarian Society Landmark Auditorium, 900 University Bay Drive. At 5:00 they will speak with students at an ecumenical worship service sponsored by The Crossing Campus Ministry, 1127 University Ave. Visitors are always welcome to worship with the students. Following worship, students are invited to a light dinner along with a presentation and conversation about the work of The Parent Circle Family Forum from 7:00 – 8:00.
This event is sponsored by Bright Stars of Bethlehem Madison Chapter, United Church of Christ Southwest Association and Memorial UCC Church, Midvale Lutheran Church, Christ Presbyterian Church, Shaarei Shamayim congregation, First Unitarian Society, Madison RAFAH Sister City Project, Jewish Voice for Peace Madison chapter, Pilgrims of Ibillin, and J Street with space donated by First Unitarian Society and The Crossing Campus Ministry. For information contact Bonnie Van Overbeke ( or 608-770-5714).
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