Clergy and lay leaders who plan to offer an Our Whole Lives program in their congregations are invited to three days of facilitation training from Aug. 26 to 28 at the Daycholah Center in Green Lake. Our Whole Lives, or OWL, is a comprehensive human sexuality curriculum for elementary-age children through older adults, developed by the United Church of Christ and the Unitarian Universalist Association. The August training is co-sponsored by the Wisconsin and Minnesota conferences, in partnership with the national setting of the UCC.
Cost is $375 for a shared double-occupancy room, meals and training for UCC participants and $350 for non-UCC participants. Private rooms are on a wait-list status. See the registration for details. Registration is open at this link through August 1.
Facilitator training will be offered at the elementary, youth and adult levels. Each participant may participate in training for just one age level, so consider sending a team to be trained to start or expand the OWL program in your church. Questions? Contact Lisa Hart, associate conference minister for faith formation and justice ministries.
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