Exploring Implicit Bias
(For authorized UCC ministers in the Minnesota and Wisconsin Conferences. This Course Module fulfills the UCC Manual on Ministry requirements for authorized ministers to engage in ongoing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion training to maintain their ministerial standing.)
Spring Cohort: April 29, May 6 and May 13, 2024, 6:30-8:30pm
Open to all authorized MN and WI Conference Ministers. The course has 50 spots and we are holding 25 for MN and 25 for WI. Register by March 22 to reserve your Conference spot. After that, there is open registration for both Conferences.
Clergy from all UCC conferences are welcome to attend.
This course is a blend of asynchronous learning and facilitated zoom reflection sessions. Zoom sessions will be held on April 29, May 6 and May 13, 2024, from 6:30-8:30pm.
This course was designed for the MN and WI Conferences by a planning team from the MN and WI Conferences. Three goals guide the work of this module:
1. To provide anti-racism and implicit bias training that is educational, relational, intentional, accountable, transformational and ongoing
2. To provide learning opportunities to satisfy the continuing education requirements of the United Church of Christ and the Wisconsin and Minnesota Conferences and that align with the UCC Marks for Ministry
3. To intentionally engage one another and a diverse range of perspectives to recognize and transform our implicit biases to promote healthy relationships and understanding of one another and our experiences.
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