

Join the Supportive Ministries Team and colleagues in ministry from around the Conference (and beyond) in an hour-long Zoom gathering on the first Wednesday of each month to practice having conversations with members of your community that explore deeper questions that in time can “Nurture the Soul of the Beloved Community.”

The next meeting takes place at noon Central time on October 3rd at 12:00 PM

Please join us for a discussion on the “questions to ponder” listed in the newsletter.

Register now for the Zoom conversation.




 Are churches smaller for a purpose?
Do they have distinct advantages in this age of post Christendom?
Such as being able to communicate rapidly and effectively, having deep and strong relationships, being mobile in response to changing circumstances.

 If you are a member, lay leader or pastor in a church that worships 25 or fewer on average,
you are invited to a Zoom event on September 24, at 6:30, to share in a conversation.
Here is the complete explanation of this, and a link to join the conversation.







1st Congregational UCC, Fort Atkinson

Part time Organist/Pianist

1st Congregational UCC, Fort Atkinson is seeking a part-time Organist/Pianist, which normally takes 2-3 hours per week. Call them at (920) 563-4802 for more information.

Salem UCC, Verona

Office Manager, Director of Christian Education and Director of Youth Ministries

Salem UCC, Verona, is seeking candidates for staff positions of Office Manager, Director of Christian Education and Director of Youth Ministries. Contact the church if interested.

Borrow “God’s Doors Are Open to All”

Created to remind us to boldly stand in Solidarity with LGBTQ & Orlando, Florida communities to represent our Open and Affirming congregations and to encourage us all to let love be stronger than hate.
Click here for more information.


Contact Us

(608) 846-7880