What We Do

The Divisions of the Northwest Association

Church and Ministry

  • authorization of pastors: ordination, licensing, commissioning
  • issues of authorized ministerial standing
  • persons in discernment of call to ministry
  • strengthening the covenants and ministries between local churches, their pastor(s) and the association
  • ongoing support of authorized ministries
  • oversight of authorized ministries
  • issues of fitness for ministry
  • acting on Lay Academy scholarship applications

Ministry in the Local Church

  • provides scholarships for people to attend spiritually-enriching events including, but not limited to, year-round church camps, retreats, clergy and lay leadership development (separate from Lay Academy)
  • financial support is available for church growth and church renewal

Mission of the Church in the World

  • supports local congregations in areas of mission, stewardship, and social concerns


Northwest Wisconsin Association  | Wisconsin Conference | United Church of Christ

Contact Us

(608) 846-7880